These are not only the times where we must come together, but also where we show respect and gratitude to the nurses and staff operating on the frontlines in the war against COVID-19.
Every day, nurses and other care providers face threatening conditions, and shortages in both staff and supplies. That includes doctors, and even med students volunteering to help their communities. They work a tiring number of hours, and come back to face the tide again the next day. The video we produced pays homage to their courage and perseverance.
We also want to share our gratitude to all of the essential workers out there; from cleaning staff and grocery store clerks, to bus drivers and delivery personnel. We appreciate all that you’re doing to keep our nation running in this time of uncertainty.
Now it’s our turn. Support the nurses and other frontline professionals in your lives by following CDC guidelines to reduce the virus’s spread and the toil on those in our medical industry. Stay home if your intent to go outside is recreational only.
You can also consider any of the following as well:
This is an unprecedented economic crisis and shops are doing all they can to survive – every bit of support counts.
Especially if you know your neighbours are seniors and/or have underlying health conditions that place them at greater risk.
Restaurants are still open and takeout is currently their only available form of business. You can support them in these times and still get your pizza fix!
If everyone buys at a relatively normal pace, everyone gets what they need – the supplies are still kept open in stores in a steady stream. Especially for hygiene items like soap and hand sanitizer, you should most likely want for everyone to have these available to them so that the community as a whole is cleaner.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 is not the only fight the hospital must face. Self-isolation has severely cut blood donations, which is still a crucial necessity.
At the end of the day, this is just as much a fight for awareness as it is a fight for our lives. Conflicting, confusing, or fear-inducing messages result in members of the community not taking the correct measures or potentially putting themselves and others at risk.
With proper communications and accurate information, we better position ourselves to brave this storm. We believe this is where video can be at its most beneficial. If you have a message to share with your employees to maintain morale, or to your clients to assure your services are still available remotely, telling that message in a video gets this job done right. You can also further promote proper self care and hygiene, or express gratitude to the medical staff as well. Or, you might be shifting gears and adjusting what your business provides to help cater to the new needs in these unique circumstances. Video is your outlet to inform the public how you’re showing support.
At the end of these events, it will be those that showed their support and got their message out that will come out of this lockdown stronger.
Ready to take a hand at making your own video content? Check out our extensive online course to become your own DIY video making expert. Prefer to let a professional team handle your video content? Contact us here to get started with Arc and Crown Media!
The post A Thank You to Nurses During COVID-19 #StayHome appeared first on Arc and Crown Media.