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Employee Engagement Videos

Boost employee satisfaction with meaningful corporate culture

Improve employee engagement with corporate video production

Employees are the lifeblood of your business. Treat your employees right, and they’ll do the same for your customers. The values that new employees are bringing in to the workforce are vastly different than what they were 20 years ago. Is your company able to cater to these employees – most of them young Millennials – who have grown to prioritize work meaning over work pay?

The new employees of today place an emphasis on:

  • A Community with shared values
  • Public recognition for their achievements
  • Authenticity – they can easily distinguish “corporate fluff”
  • The ability to work using familiar technologies – like smartphones over intranet
  • A higher purpose in what they do

Employee Engagement Videos

5 Benefits of using video for employee engagement

  1. Generates trust and rapport for employees
  2. Ensures greater sense of cultural values and team environment
  3. Enables a better understanding of expectations and objectives
  4. Foster greater external brand growth as engaged employees will become informal brand ambassadors
  5. Promotes both internal employee engagement and external recruitment and branding

Types of videos

  • Culture video
  • Corporate Identity/Mission Video
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Team building
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Staff spotlight
  • Retiree video
  • Recruitment videos

How to make quality engagement videos

  • Tell GREAT stories
  • Be authentic and transparent
  • Showcase your fun side
  • Get creative

What do employee engagement videos for your company?

Employees that report a good fit with their company’s mission and culture contribute more, show more loyalty to the company, and build stronger relationships with peers. This leads directly to corporate success: according to trusted experts, every estimated 1% increase in a company’s employee engagement translates to an estimated 1% increase in sales.

Employee engagement videos help define the values and company culture that sets your company apart and appeals to current and potential employees. As an extension of your team, we collaborate with you to understand what makes your people special, and tailor a message for your employees to feel that they are truly part of a shared vision and purpose.

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