Sometimes all you need is a little help producing simple yet effective video content
Whether you need consistent content for social media, a one-off employee engagement piece, or a series of simple training videos, our clients turn to self-recorded content for various needs. We assist by coaching on how to film with your cell phone or webcam, we develop best practices documents for on-camera talent, and we train internal teams to execute themselves.
If you’re looking to make video a part of your company’s strategy and are in search of a cost effective way to execute, this service may be just the answer!
Coaching/Consulting: to understand your goals, current resources, and what you need help with. We then customize a plan to fit your needs and budget
Pre-production: we assist with creative direction and scripting when needed, some clients have internal resources that work on this process.
Recording: after some training (if needed), our clients typically record themselves on a cell phone or webcam and then send us their footage. We encourage test records so we’re both happy with the results.
Post-production: this is where our team does most of the heavy lifting: slicing and dicing content, adding in branded animation and elevating the video.
Delivery & Execution: once complete our team delivers the final product to our clients who then upload and distribute the video as needed. We do have marketing, instructional design, and various other partners if needed to assist with this final piece.New Paragraph
We elevate your DIY content by consulting on content ideas, reviewing and providing feedback, and editing the videos to include branding, music, additional visuals, and all elements to ensure a cohesive and professional piece.