Thanks to the internet, attention spans are at an all time low, so when it comes to video content, typically the shorter the better.
Try to hook your viewers early by getting to the point right away. Also, make sure your video looks great! Low quality, darkly lit and poorly angled cameras won’t invite much interest. On the other hand, a brightly lit, colourful video that pops will be sure to turn heads.
Once you perfect your picture, don’t forget about sound! Enunciate your words, speak clearly and record in areas with little to no background noise and interference. Music is another tool that can be added to grab and retain your viewer’s attention and help to set the tone and mood of the video.
But don’t just rely on music and dialogue. Use text that incites curiosity, helps to get your point across and inspires action! Captions also help for those in your audience who may be looking to watch videos on silent when they’re on the go.
When it comes to planning your content, ask yourself if this would be something you yourself would want to watch. If it isn’t, keep brainstorming for better ideas.
Finally, at the end of your video leave your audience wanting more so that they look forward to your future videos. And don’t forget to encourage them to like, subscribe and share to help spread the word!
The post How to Make Your Videos Short and Sweet appeared first on Arc and Crown Media.