One thing I’ve learned since I started doing these videos on a regular basis was how much I had to learn about breathing. It’s funny how there can be so much to learn about something we all do instinctively in our first few seconds of life!
Many people feel anxious when they have to give a presentation or go on camera. And when we feel anxious, we get tense. And one of the first places tension shows is in our breathing patterns. We start to breathe more quickly and less deeply. This fools the body into thinking we’re under some sort of threat. We start to take shallower breathes, which means less oxygen and more carbon monoxide circulating in our system. In some people it can even lead to panic attacks or hyperventilation.
How does feeling anxious and tense affect your speech? For one thing, shallow breathing restricts the fullness of sound and range your voice might have. It will sound squeezed or strained because you’re talking off the top of your lungs with a tight throat, jaw, mouth, and face. And breathing shallowly can become a vicious cycle.
Luckily, there are a number of breathing exercises available on the Internet that can help you learn to control and then eliminate the anxiety you feel ahead of any speaking engagements.
The benefits of both these breathing exercises are both psychological and physical.
Physiologically you are using all your lungs rather than the top third, which means more oxygen and less carbon monoxide in your system. You’ll feel better, better able to deal with stress, to think more clearly.
The physical benefit is increased lung capacity, which allows you to speak longer overall and between breaths, as well as allow you to handle complex patterns of language more effectively.
The post Breathing Exercises To Strengthen Your Delivery appeared first on Arc and Crown Media.